Devil and the Fairy

Defend dark catacombs and gloomy dungeons! Protect the magic crystal, the source of your power! Utilize your lordship and your devil hands wisely, as you fend off the human invaders with your goblin hordes, fireballs and lots of traps! Your dungeon is no place for glory and treasure – only pain and suffering!

Always at your side to assist you is your cute little fairy!
“My Master, as Lord of Darkness it is your duty to teach those pesky invaders a lesson. Defend our dungeon crystal and protect the treasures of the underworld! Crush those heroes and adventurers with your infernal magic and summon the army of evil! There will be no escape for those overly motivated maggots!”


  • Classic wave defense game in VR!
  • Many interactive objects
  • Three dark and grim dungeons
  • Challenging difficulty modes
  • Great dark VR graphics
  • Cute, explanatory transgender fairy
  • Level up and become the ultimate demon lord

Additional information

  •  Available Platforms:
  • Oculus Rift
  • Steam
  • HTC Vive
  •  Game Controller Support:
  • Oculus Touch Controller*
  • *dependant on device
  •  Special Features:
  • This Steam Early Access game is currently not a finished game and may or may not change significantly over the course of development. To learn more about Steam Early Access, please visit Early Access
  •  Age Rating: